CSS Strikethrough Text and Related Effects Tutorial Udemy Blog

CSS textdecoration Property How to Strikethrough Text in CSS HTML strike tag CSS Tutorial

The HTML element places a strikethrough (horizontal line) over text. Warning: This element is deprecated in HTML 4 and XHTML 1, and obsoleted in the HTML Living Standard. If semantically appropriate, i.e., if it represents deleted content, use instead. In all other cases use . Attributes

How To Strikethrough Text in Google Docs (Two Ways)

The strikethrough text can be produced using the tag. html

This text is cutby a line !

Demo. This text is cutby a line ! Striketrough - Applications. This tag does not have too many applications, but we will try to exemplify its use by the following example: a shopping list.

FOSS World News 7 Best Strikethrough Text Generator Tools Online Cross Out Text Like A Pro

Basic Syntax. Implementing CSS Strikethrough begins with understanding the text-decoration property. This property allows us to add a line or several lines in different positions relative to the text. This is the basic syntax of strikethrough: selector { text-decoration: line-through;} CSS. In this example, the 'selector' represents the.

Strikethrough using HTML5

It is possible to create strikethrough and line-through text using HTML and CSS. There are several ways to accomplish this. Let's go over them one by one. Using strike tag in HTML A strike tag was available in prior versions of HTML.

How to Create Strikethrough text in HTML Create Strikethrough text in HTML Learn HTML

The tag is used to define a strikethrough text. The element is a deprecated HTML tag and not supported in HTML5. Use , or CSS styles instead. For creating a strikethrough, you can also use the CSS text-decoration:line-through; with the